Stockton Family Focus Event

Stockton's Family Focus Event

Stockton's 'Going for Gold' Family Fun Event

Join us on Saturday 20th July on Stockton High Street 10am-2pm for our 'Going for Gold' Family Fun Event which will focus on families and young people and offering advice and support around Cost-of-Living and wellbeing as well as having fun through a range of different activities and competitions. 

This free to attend event brings together a whole host of organisations who can offer advice and support and will be based in 4 large Gazebos on the parking area at the North End of the High Street (outside Fatso’s, opposite B&M, and in the Stockton Parish Church grounds) as well as physical activities in the Parish Gardens, and more at Stockton Library, and across the High Street and Wellington Square.
With the Olympics starting the following week, we will be using this to inspire some of our activities and each large Gazebo will have a theme.

  • Cost of Living support – advice on food, fuel, housing, benefits etc.
  • Family/children specific support –including health and wellbeing
  • Crafts and activities 
  • Eco pre-loved uniform and clothing shop

We hope to make this a really enjoyable family fun event where everyone can take part or find some helpful information to help make an exciting start to the school summer holidays. 

Watch out for more information about the event in the Stockton Council Social Media Channels and Stockton News and there should be some updates on what we can expect to be there on the day, which hopefully will include emergency service vehicles and much more.