Young People and Family Social Prescribing
Non-urgent advice: Practical and emotional support for young people aged 10-17 and their families
Especially designed for young people and families social prescribing looks at your whole life to help you be your happiest, by addressing your physical health, feelings, and how you connect with others; instead of only focusing on when you're not feeling well.

What Support is Available?
Your social prescribing link worker can provide support and/or discuss other options available for:
- Understanding puberty and emotions
- Support with additional health needs
- Mental health support
- Moving from primary to secondary school
- Social Isolation/Loneliness
- Bereavement Support
- Emotional wellbeing
- Healthy lifestyle choices including; stop smoking, physical activity/exercise, weight management
- Loss of confidence/purpose
- Poor health linked to housing or housing conditions
- Accessing work, training and volunteering

How Does it Work?
For example, Noah has been struggling socially and to express his needs.
Noah is not sure what he wants to do at college and his mum is worried that if his needs are not met that he might disengage and not attend college. By providing support and creating a "communication passport" Noah finds it easier to communicate and now attends regular education sessions over the summer to prepare him for college.
If you'd like to access our social prescribing service, get in touch with your pratices reception team who can get the process started for you.