0800 096 6606 Animal Samaritans Pet Bereavement Service – If you are saddened and dejected at losing a beloved pet, you will find a sympathetic ear, understanding and support at the pet bereavement service. Please call for help and advice. Cats Protection Grief and Loss – A confidential phone line is open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday – excluding Bank Holidays. If lines are busy, a call-back service is available. While the volunteer listeners do not offer counselling, the team provide an emotional and practical support to owners struggling to cope with cat-related grief, so please get in touch. The Ralph Site – Pet Loss Support – A not-for-profit website that provides support to pet carers around the loss of a beloved companion with a wide selection of resources that you might find helpful. PDSA – Coping with grief and the loss of a pet – Saying Goodbye a useful downloadable leaflet The Cinnamon Trust – The National Charity for the elderly, the terminally ill and their pets.
0203 745 9859
0800 024 9494
0176 757 900 (M-F: 9am-5pm)